Partners of Sex Addicts

You . . .

feel it in your gut . . .  something isn’t right . . .

had your suspicions and now they are confirmed . . .

are in shock . . . scenes from your life begin playing backward in your mind . . .

notice puzzle pieces falling into place and, one by one, a picture begins to develop . . .

feel the pain is gut-wrenching and don’t know if you’ll ever trust or love again . . .

You feel betrayed by the one you trusted the most.  “How could you? ” repeatedly spins over and over in your mind. 

Or maybe you figured it out a while ago, hoped you could change your partner, realized you couldn’t, and are now seeking answers and support for yourself.  You are tired of feeling so alone - that it would be easier to give up and just leave.  You feel hopeless, misunderstood, and unappreciated.  You wonder to yourself, ‘When will I wake up from this nightmare? ’ There may be moments where you blame yourself, others, and God.

As you move forward with your journey of emotional healing, Glenda will support you one step at a time.  Support will include processing the trauma of discovery, managing the crisis, dealing with the emotional aftershock, learning about sex addiction, how to communicate your feelings, reclaiming your sexuality, and deciding on next steps.  The journey will not be easy or quick.  It is a process that will take time, daily effort, and emotional energy.  Many have been where you are right now.

Glenda provides hope amid the chaos, trauma, and deep hurt.  She would be honored to walk alongside you on your journey to healing. 

You can visit and click on “Is my partner a sex addict? ” to learn more.

50 min | $150  

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.